
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Chandogya Upanishad : 8&9. Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================= ======================================================================= 07/01/2020. Chapter -1 : Vaishvanara-Vidya -8.&9. 8. Water as the Lower Belly of the Universal Self & 9. The Earth as the Feet of the Universal Self : ====================================================================== 8. Water as the Lower Belly of the Universal Self : Budila Asvatarasvi, the other hero, was questioned : "What is it that you are meditating upon?" "I meditate on Water, Your Highness." There are people who meditate on the ocean as a symbol of Brahman, just as there are people who contemplate Space as such a symbol. "I contemplate Water as symbolic of Reality (the ocean perhaps), as an endless expanse. This is my Atman." The king said : "This meditation is good so far as it goes, on account of which you are endowed with plenty of every kind. Water is the sou