The Chandogya Upanishad : CH-2, SEC-2. THE PRIMACY OF BEING-2., POST-8. Swami Krishnananda.

--------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, September 22, 2020. 4:52.PM. Chapter Two : Uddalaka's Teaching Concerning the Oneness of the Self SECTION 2: THE PRIMACY OF BEING-2. Post-8 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. This is the extent to which philosophy can go when it stretches its arguments to the logical limits. But philosophers do not argue merely to get defeated. The purpose is to find a solution. It may be that you face a wall in front of you whenever you argue into the depths of an object. But a solution has to be found for the appearance of this enigma of creation, or in principle the appearance of an effect from a cause. Solutions cannot be found easily, and inasmuch as intellectually or logically a satisfactory explanation cannot be found for explaining the relationship between the cause and the effect, there are thinkers who hold that the doctrine of creation is not an explanation or a narration of a hist...