
Showing posts from February, 2021

The Chhandogya Upanishad - CH-II. SEC-7. POST-.2. Swami Krishnananda

  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER II: UDDALAKA'S TEACHING CONCERNING THE ONENESS OF THE SELF-7.2. SECTION 7: IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL NEEDS-2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Sa hasa, atha hainam upasasada, tam ha yat kim ca papraccha sarvam ha pratipede. He was very happy; having eaten food, the mind was alert at once, and he remembered all the Vedas, and everything came to his memory. Whatever question was put, he could answer immediately because of the strength which the mind had received through the food that he had taken. Otherwise, he was in a dying condition. 5. Tam hovaca yatha saumya mahatobhyahitasyaikam angaram khadyota-matram parisishtam tam trnair upasamadhaya prajvalayet tena tato'ni bahu dahet. "Now, my dear boy, I will give you another example. Suppose there is only a spark of fire. Now,

Chandogya Upaishad : Chapter-2, Section-7-1. Swami Krishnananda

  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday, February 12, 2021. 11:45. AM. Chandogya Upaishad Chapter Two : Uddalaka's Teaching Concerning the Oneness of the Self - 5. SECTION 7: IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL NEEDS-1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shodasa-kalah saumya purusah pancadaoahani ma-sih kamam apah piba, apomayah prano na pibato vicchetsyata iti. "There are sixteen digits of the mind, of our whole personality. Our being is sixteenfold. I shall perform an experiment with you to prove how the mind cannot exist without food. Do not eat for fifteen days. Do not take any solid diet during these days. You may drink water, however. Why? Because, of the fact that the pranas are constituted of water. Thus, if you drink water, the pranas will not be cut off from the body. If you do not drink even water, you will not b