
Showing posts from April, 2021

The Chhandogya Upanishad - CH-2, SEC-9, POST-1. Swami Krishnananda.

  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, April 26, 2021. 07:57. PM. Chapter Two: Uddalaka's Teaching Concerning the Oneness of the Self SECTION 9: THE INDWELLING SPIRIT-1. Post-1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Yatha, saumya, madhu madhukrto nistishthanti, nanatyayanam vrkshanam rasan samavaharam katam rasam gamaynti." "Te yatha tatra na vivekam labhante, amushyaham vrkshasya raso'smi, amushyaham vrkshasya rasosmiti, evam eva khalu, saumya, imah sarvah prajah sati sampadya na viduh, sati sampadyamaha iti." What happens to all individuals when they reach Being? The explanation is given through an analogy. "You see," says the father to the son, "honeybees go to different flowers, collect the essence of the flowers and convert it into a jelly by certain chemical processes that take place within their own bodies. Thus is formed what is called honey.
 The Chhandogya Upanishad - CH-2, SEC-8, POST-5. Swami Krishnananda. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, April 19, 2021. 10:49. AM. Chapter Two: Uddalaka's Teaching Concerning the Oneness of the Self SECTION 8: CONCERNING SLEEP, HUNGER, THIRST AND DYING-5. POST-5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The whole difficulty is to locate where that Self is. Is It inside or outside, is It in me or in you, or is It somewhere else? This is a point which will be discussed in the next chapter of this Upanishad. This movement of the world and the tendency of things to move, the whole process of the absorption of the effect into the cause, is ultimately an indication that everything is pulled by the Self towards Itself. The subtlest of all things is the Being, pure and simple, and this Being which we call Sat is also the Atman of all things. There is a hint given here as to where the Self i