The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-2, SEC: 16.2. Swami Krishnananda.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, August 29, 2021. 7:57. PM. Chapter Two: Uddalaka's Teaching Concerning the Oneness of the Self-16-2. SECTION 16: THE INDWELLING SPIRIT (CONTINUED)—ILLUSTRATION OF THE ORDEAL -2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In spite of the fact that the senses are withdrawn into the mind, the mind is withdrawn into the prana, the prana into the fire or heat in the system, and heat into the Supreme Being, in both cases, in the case of the liberated, it is a gradual transcendence and a conscious process of ascent. When one consciously moves in a particular direction towards one's destination, one knows what is happening, what one is moving through, what are the stages one has crossed, what is the distance still ahead, etc. When one knows the distance that has yet to be covered...