
Showing posts from December, 2021

The Chandogya Upanishad - Chapter-3, Section - 6 : Contemplation - Swami Krishnananda.

 ================================================================= ================================================================ Tuesday, December 28, 2021. 18:25. The Chandogya Upanishad - Chapter-3., Section-6. Chapter-3.: Sanatkumara's Instructions Bhuma-Vidya : 6. SECTION 6 - Contemplation ================================================================= Section- 6 : Contemplation Mantram-1. 1. Dhyanam vava cittad-bhuyah, dhyayativa prthivi, dhya- yativan-tariksam, dhyayativa dyauh, dhyayantivapah, dhyayantiva parvatah, dhyayantiva deva-manusyah, tasmad-ya iha manusyanam mahattvam prapnuvanti dhyanapadamsa ivaiva te bhvanti, atha ye’lpah kalahinah pisuna upavadinas-te atha ye prabhavah dhyanapadamsa ivaiva te bhavanti, dhyanam upassveti. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dhyanam, concentration, is beyond even ordinary memory.  It is a superior faculty.  The more you are able to concentrate your

The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, SECTION 5 : MEMORY - Swami Krishnananda.

 ================================================================== ====================================================================== Saturday, December 18, 2021. 9:30. PM. The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, SECTION 5. CHAPTER III: SANATKUMARA'S INSTRUCTIONS ON BHUMA-VIDYA : 5. SECTION 5: MEMORY. ================================================================================== SECTION 5- Memory Mantram-1. Cittam vava samkalpad-bhuyah, yada vai cetayate’tha samkalpayate, atha manasyati, atha vacam irayati, tam u namnirayati, namni mantra ekam bhavanti, mantresu karmani. The will, no doubt, is a determining psychological function. But the will cannot operate unless there is a cohesive force behind the functions of thought. Will is nothing but a collected focusing of the content of the mind. When the mind is directed and focused in a particular manner, in a specified way, in a particular direction, we call it will. But this function of the mind which we call will would not be possi

The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, SECTION 4: WILL - Swami Krishnananda.

 ================================================================================= =============================================================================== Wednesday, December 08, 2021. 5:30. PM. The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, SECTION 4. CHAPTER III: SANATKUMARA'S INSTRUCTIONS ON BHUMA-VIDYA : 4. SECTION 4: WILL. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== In the gradation of meditation, we have seen that the mind is superior to the function of speech, of which all the names are manifestations, because from the mind proceed all psychological activities and everything that is expressed through speech. But, behind the mind also, there are forces which are more concentrated in their nature, and by an analysis of the activities of the mind, we will realise that this is the activity of specified thought. There is a creative will operating as the directive intelligenc