
Showing posts from May, 2022

The Chandogya Upanishad - 3-6. .Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================= ====================================================================== Friday, May 27,  2022. 20:00. Chapter - 3 : Sanatkumara's Instructions on Bhuma-Vidya :  ===================================================================== SECTION 6: CONTEMPLATION : Mantram : 1. "Dhyanam vava cittad-bhuyah, dhyayativa prthivi, dhya-yativan-tariksam, dhyayativa dyauh, dhyayantivapah, dhyayantiva parvatah, dhyayantiva deva-manusyah, tasmad-ya iha manusyanam mahattvam prapnuvanti dhyanapadamsa ivaiva te bhvanti, atha ye'lpah kalahinah pisuna upavadinas-te atha ye prabhavah dhyanapadamsa ivaiva te bhavanti, dhyanam upassveti." Dhyana, concentration, is beyond even ordinary memory. It is a superior faculty. The more you are able to concentrate your attention, rather to meditate in the proper sense of the term, to that extent you become superior to others. Concentration is fixity of mind. Wherever we find stabil

The Chandogya Upanishad - 3-13. .Swami Krishnananda.

 ============================================================= ============================================================== Friday, May 06,  2022. 22:00. Chapter - 3 : Sanatkumara's Instructions on Bhuma-Vidya :  Section-13 : Memory =========================================================== SECTION 13 Memory Mantram-1. 1. Smaro vava akasad-bhuyah, tasmad-yady-api bahava asiran-nasmarantah, naiva te kamcana srnuyuh, na manviran, na vijaniran, yada vava te smareyuh atha srnuyuh atha manviran, atha vijaniran, smarena vai putran vijanati, smarena pasun, smaram upasisveti. ============================================================ Here, smara is a peculiar term which has been interpreted as the power of consciousness which is recognised as self-existence. Our consciousness of our own existence is prior to the operation of our consciousness of the recognition of space outside us. We must exist first, if space is to be there. So our consciousness of self-existence is prior to the det