The Chandogya Upanishad - 3-9. .Swami Krishnananda.
======================================================================= ======================================================================== Friday, July 22, 2022. 20:00. Chapter - 3 : Sanatkumara's Instructions on Bhuma-Vidya : Section-8 continued & Section-9. ======================================================================== SECTION 8: STRENGTH : Mantram-2. "Sa yo balam brahmety-uaste, yavad-balasya gatam, tatrasya yatha kamacaro bhavati, yo balam brahmety-upaste, asti, bhagavan balad-bhuya iti, balad-vava bhuyostiti, tan-me, bhagavan bratitv-iti." To the extent of our power or strength, we are perfect. This is a simple truth. "Is there something greater than strength?" asks Narada. Sanatkumara replies, "Yes." "Then kindly instruct me on that which is greater than strength." This is the further request of Narada. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...