
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Chandogya Upanishad - 3-13: Swami Krishnananda.

 ========================================================================= ========================================================================= Thursday, September 20,  2022. 06:00. Chapter - 3 : Sanatkumara's Instructions on Bhuma-Vidya :  SECTION 13: MEMORY : ========================================================================= Mantram-1. "Cittam vava samkalpad-bhuyah, yada vai cetayate'tha samkalpayate, atha manasyati, atha vacam irayati, tam u namnirayati, namni mantra ekam bhavanti, mantresu karmani." The will, no doubt, is a determining psychological function. But the will cannot operate unless there is a cohesive force behind the functions of thought. Will is nothing but a Tani ha va etani cittaikayanani cittatmani citte pratisthitani tasmad-yady-api bahu-vid-acitto bhavati, nayam astityevainam ahuh yad-ayam veda, yad-va ayam vidvannettam acittah syad-iti, atha yady-alpa-vicchittavan bhavati, tasma evota susrusante, cittam hy-evaisam ekayanam, cittam a

The Chandogya Upanishad - 3-12 : Swami Krishnananda.

========================================================================= Chinmaya Mission : The Retreat’s theme “Coming to Unity” lived up to its name in all ways! Participants spanned a wide range of ages – late teens to 40s – bringing a unique mix of perspectives and a familial feeling to the Retreat. The Retreat Guides delivered inspiring discourses on developing a higher vision of love. Deep gratitude to Vivekji, Shankarji, Shashikalaji, Chinmaya Boston sevaks, and all Retreat participants for enabling this meaningful experience for all. Here are the pictures of the event : .======================================================================== Sunday, September 18,  2022. 07:00. Chapter - 3 : Sanatkumara's Instructions on Bhuma-Vidya :  SECTION 12: ETHER - ======================================================================== SECTION 12: ETHER : MANTRAM-1 : "Akaso vava  tejaso bhuyan akase vai surya-candrama-sav-ubhau vidyun-naksatrany-agnih, akasenahvayati, akasena