
Showing posts from April, 2020

The Chandogya Upanishad : 1.14. Swami Krishnananda

======================================================== #Road Bridge over *Godavari River at *Bhadrachalam. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *25/04/2020. *Chapter One: Vaishvanara-Vidya *The Five Pranas - 1. *1. Prana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. *The five pranas are like the five tongues of a flaming fire.  *It is one single force that is working as five different vital energies.  #So, each tongue of the fire, each flame, is satisfied by the offering of a particular oblation, as it is done in the external sacrifice. Pranaya svaha, is the invocation, which means to say, "May the prana be satisfied."  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. *This is to be inwardly recited while eating the first morsel. Here, it is not merely an utterance that is emphasised, but an

The Chandogya Upanishad : 1.13. Swami Krishnananda

====================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/04/2020. Chapter One: Vaishvanara-Vidya The Self as the Universal Whole (Continued) Post-13. --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The specific action that is taken up for discussion here is, what is called in the language of the sacred lore, Prana-agnihotra, or the sacrificial offering to the Universal Fire. The food that we take every day is a holy oblation to the All-pervading Vital Fire. This meditation is Prana-agnihotra. Agnihotra is the consecrated offering into the sacred Fire. Ritualistically or exoterically conceived, this means the daily performance of the yajna, or sacrifice, by a householder.  #The Upanishad makes out that this agnihotra is perpetually taking place in our own bodies, of which we have to be conscious in our meditation. The external sacrifice ceases to be external any more. Viewing everyt