The Chandogya Upanishad : 1.14. Swami Krishnananda


#Road Bridge over *Godavari River at *Bhadrachalam.
*Chapter One: Vaishvanara-Vidya
*The Five Pranas - 1.
*1. Prana

*The five pranas are like the five tongues of a flaming fire. 

*It is one single force that is working as five different vital energies. 

#So, each tongue of the fire, each flame, is satisfied by the offering of a particular oblation, as it is done in the external sacrifice. Pranaya svaha, is the invocation, which means to say, "May the prana be satisfied." 

*This is to be inwardly recited while eating the first morsel. Here, it is not merely an utterance that is emphasised, but an inward feeling in the real meditation. 

*As every river is connected to the ocean, every prana is connected to the Cosmic Force. 

*Thus, through the prana, we touch the cosmic border and invoke the Universal Being. 

##In this meditation there is an attempt at universal satisfaction, and not merely some individual's pleasure, in the acts of eating, drinking, etc. 


*When the prana is satisfied, the Upanishad says, due to an inward connection, the eyes are satisfied. *We feel happy. 
*When we eat food and have a square meal, we feel a satisfaction opening up from the eyes. 
*When the prana is satisfied, the eyes are satisfied. 
*When the eyes are satisfied, the Sun is satisfied, because he is the deity of the eyes. 
*When the Sun is satisfied, the whole atmosphere is satisfied, because he is the presiding deity of the entire atmosphere. 

###If the atmosphere is satisfied, whatever is the support of both the atmosphere and the Sun, is also satisfied, i.e., heaven itself is satisfied, even with the little act of taking food that we perform in a meditative fashion. 

*Then what happens? 

*Then, immediately, there is a reaction produced from the sources which we touch by this act of meditation. 

*The reaction comes in the form of a vibration of happiness, the glow, as it were, from the different quarters of heaven. 

####And, if the quarters of heaven are happy, the winds are happy, the Sun is happy, the whole atmosphere is happy, we are happy, with wealth, lustre, glory, plenty and power, because Vaishvanara is satisfied.
To be continued ..
Next : 
The Five Pranas - 2.



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