
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Chandogya Upanishad : CH-2, SEC-4. THE PRIMACY OF BEING-4.4., POST-4. Swami Krishnananda.

  ------------------------------------- Sunday, November 22, 2020. 12:22.PM. Chapter Two : Uddalaka's Teaching Concerning the Oneness of the Self -4.4 Section-4. Threefold Development - 4. Mantram-5. Post-4 ------------------------------- Mantram - 5.  Etadd ha sma vai tad vidvamsa ahuh purve mahasala mahasrotriyah na no'dya kascana asrutam, amatam, avijnatam, udaharisytiti hy ebhyo vidamcakruh. ------------------------ The great men of the past, the realised souls of ancient times, immediately awoke to the reality of this situation—"Oh, this is the truth.  The redness is fire, the whiteness is water and the blackness is the earth element." These are the only three things that exist everywhere. Whenever we see redness anywhere, we see fire there; whenever we see whiteness, we see water there; whenever we see blackness, we see the earth element there. So what do we see anywhere?  We see only three things. We do not see any other thing in the world. Other things do not

The Chandogya Upanishad : CH-2, SEC-4. THE PRIMACY OF BEING-4.3., POST-3. Swami Krishnananda.

  ================================ Wednesday, November 11, 2020. 12:34.PM. Chapter Two : Uddalaka's Teaching Concerning the Oneness of the Self -4.3 Section-4. Threefold Development - 3. Post-3 ================================ It is unfortunate that the connectedness of the subject with the object is not perceivable to the eye. There is a very important intrinsic connection between the perceiving individual and the object perceived. It is more than what appears on the surface. The subject plays a very important role in the perception of an object. It is not that something is located outside the earth or far off in space, undetermined by everybody else from its own point of view, under its own setup. Everything is determined by everything else so that there is no such thing as an absolutely independent object, whether it be organic or inorganic. The independence of an object is an illusion.  ------------------------- That illusion of the perception of an independence in the object a

The Chandogya Upanishad : CH-2, SEC-4. THE PRIMACY OF BEING-4.2., POST-2. Swami Krishnananda.

  --------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, November 02, 2020. 12:00.PM. Chapter Two : Uddalaka's Teaching Concerning the Oneness of the Self -4.2 Section-4. Threefold Development - 2. Post-2 ----------------------------------------------------------------. Yadagne rohitam rupam tejasas tadrupam yat cuklam tadapam yat krsnam tadannasya apagad agner agnitvam vacarambhanam vikaro namadheyam trini rupanityeva satyam. Yad adityasya rohitam rupam tejasas tad rupam yat cuklam tadapam yat krsnam, tadannasya apagad adityasya adityatvam vacarambhanam vikaro namadheyam trini rupanityeva satyam. Yat candramaso rohitam rupam tejasas tad rupam yat cuklam tadapam yat krsnam tad annasya apagad candrat candratvam vacarambhanam vikaro namadheyam trini rupani ityeva satyam. Yad vidyuto rohitam rupam tejasas tad rupam, yat cuklam tad apam yat krsnam tad annasya apagad vidyuto vidyuttvam vacarambhanam vikaro namadheyam, trini rupanityeva satyam. Every object in creation h