The Chandogya Upanishad : CH-2, SEC-4. THE PRIMACY OF BEING-4.4., POST-4. Swami Krishnananda.



Sunday, November 22, 2020. 12:22.PM.

Chapter Two : Uddalaka's Teaching Concerning the Oneness of the Self -4.4

Section-4. Threefold Development - 4.




Mantram - 5. 

Etadd ha sma vai tad vidvamsa ahuh purve mahasala mahasrotriyah na no'dya kascana asrutam, amatam, avijnatam, udaharisytiti hy ebhyo vidamcakruh.


The great men of the past, the realised souls of ancient times, immediately awoke to the reality of this situation—"Oh, this is the truth. 

The redness is fire, the whiteness is water and the blackness is the earth element." These are the only three things that exist everywhere. Whenever we see redness anywhere, we see fire there; whenever we see whiteness, we see water there; whenever we see blackness, we see the earth element there. So what do we see anywhere? 

We see only three things. We do not see any other thing in the world. Other things do not exist in the world. There are only these three elements—the fire element, the water element and the earth element. So what is it that the world is made of? It is made up of these three strands of substance which we call fire, water and earth. 

Again, these three have been already mentioned to be the manifestation of the Supreme Being. They are the threefold ejection of the force of the Absolute. And so, again, we come to a universality of perception. Whenever we see an object, we are seeing a face of the Absolute, one aspect of the manifestation of a single Being. 

So it is not a multitude that you see, it is a universality that is abstracted by the senses falsely and imagined to be an isolated object, as if it is disconnected from the others. This is what the ancient masters found out and then they said, "Now there is nothing unknown to us. Oh, we have understood the secret! We know everything." So, if one thing is known, everything is known. 

This is the answer which the master Uddalaka gives to his own question that he put before his son, Svetaketu. "Do you know what that is, by knowing which everything can be known?" "Yes, now I know all these things. The one has become three, the three have become many. So what are these many? They are the one. So, the moment I know the one, I know the three, and I also know many at the same time."


To be continued ...



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