The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-2, SEC: 12.1.2&3. Swami Krishnananda.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday, June 25, 2021. 10:09. AM. Chapter Two: Uddalaka's Teaching Concerning the Oneness of the Self-12. SECTION 12: THE INDWELLING SPIRIT - 2. 1.ILLUSTRATION OF THE BANYAN TREE AND ITS SEED-2. POST-2. Mantram-2.&3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2."Tam hovacha yam vai, saumya, etam animanam na nibhalayase, etasya vai, saumya, esho'nimna evam mahan nyagrodhas-tishthati srddhatsva, saumya iti." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The father now explains: Do you know, my dear boy, what is inside the seed? It is a great wonder. You say that you cannot see anything there. It is practically invisible and non-existent, as it were, from your point of view. Thin, apparently non-existent something, the very little, subtle essence there ...