The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-2, SEC: 11 . 2. Swami Krishnananda.



Wednesday, June 2, 2021. 6:22. PM.
Chapter Two: Uddalaka's Teaching Concerning the Oneness of the Self-11.

"Asya yad-ekam sakham jivo jahati, atha sa sushyati, dvitiyam jahati, atha sa sushyati, trtiyam jahati, atha sa sushyati, sarvam jahati sarvah sushyati, evam eva khalu saumya, viddhi iti hovacha." :

That particular branch which is divested or deprived of the life principle becomes dry. It is lifeless. Another branch dries up, a third branch dries up, finally the trunk dries up; the whole tree can dry up. If the life principle in the tree leaves the body of the tree, the whole tree dries up. So what is it that is in the tree which you call life? That is the Essence.

"Jivapetam vava kiledam mriyate, na jivo mriyata iti, sa ya esho'nima etad-atmyam idam sarvam, tat satyam, sa atma, tat-tvam-asi, svetaketo, iti; bhuya eva ma, bhagavan, vijnapayatviti; tatha, saumya, iti hovacha." :

What we call death is the departing of life from a particular body. So death is not the death of the life principle itself. Na jivo mriyata-life itself does not die. The vitality is transferred from one location to another. It is withdrawn from a particular formation. That is all. Life which is the manifestation of the general principle, the pure Being, the Reality, is withdrawn from that particular manifestation called the body. Then that particular form is said to die. It is deprived of the essence, the life-force. So is the case with everything including us. Know this. Evam eva khalu saumya viddhi.

This is only an example that I have given to you, my dear boy. From this example, this analogy, you must understand everything that follows as an implication. We are all like trees, human bodies endowed with the living principle, and we shall die only when the life principle in us in withdrawn. This Essence that is the Being is the Atman of all things. And everything in this world, everything in this creation has this as the Self. There are not many Selves. Though the bodies are many, forms are many, individuals are many, the Self is only one. 

So, everything reverts into this Supreme Self from where it has come and towards which it tends some way or other. "That you are, Svetaketu-Tattvam-asi, Svetaketu," says the teacher. "Please explain further-Bhuya eva ma bhagavan vijnapayatv-iti," asks the disciple. "Tatha saumya itihovacha-well, I shall explain to you further," replies the teacher. He tells something very interesting about this unmanifested Being from which manifested forms arise.

To be continued ... 



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