The Chandogya Upanishad : 6. Swami Krishnananda


Chapter -1 : Vaishvanara-Vidya -6..
6. Air as the Breath of the Universal Self

Now, the king asks the third person the same question: "Indradyumna Bhallaveya, What is it that you are meditating upon?

What is your Atman, regarding which you have difficulties?"

"I meditate upon the Cosmic Air that blows, as the all-pervading Reality, Your Highness."

The king said: "Well, so far, so good. As this, the Supreme Being, Vaishvanara, is all-pervading, so is this Air also all-pervading. You have taken this all-pervading Air which moves everywhere as the symbol of Reality. Very good. Due to this meditation on the widespread Air, vayu, which is moving everywhere, in every direction, coming from every side, as the Ultimate Being, tributes and offerings come to you from every side. Respect and honour come to you unasked. Your glory is moving everywhere, as the Air is moving everywhere. Plenty of vehicles you have, lines of chariots follow you. And you are also plentiful in every respect, in food, wealth, etc.

So is the glory of everyone who meditates like this." He repeats the glories of such meditation in the same way as he mentioned to the other persons. "This is a wonderful meditation, but there is a defect in this meditation. Air is only the vital breath, as it were, of the Vaishvanara-Atman. You have mistaken it for the whole. You would have had great trouble if you had not come to me. Your vital air would have left you if you had not come to me as you have rightly done."

Next : 7. Space as the Body of the Universal Self

To be continued ....



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