"The story of Pravahana-2."

Chapter IX — The Story of Pravahana (II)  

1.   "What is the support of this world?" asked Silaka.  "The akasa," said Pravahana. "For all these beings are created  from the akasa and return to the akasa. The akasa is greater  than these; therefore the akasa is the supreme support."  

2.   This is the Udgitha (Om), the most excellent; this is endless.  He who, knowing this, meditates on the Udgitha obtains the  most excellent life and wins the most excellent worlds.  3—

4.   Atidhanvan the son of Sunaka, having taught this Udgitha to  Udarasandilya, said: "As long as any of your descendants know  this Udgitha, their life shall be the most excellent in this world  and likewise in the other world."  He who thus knows the Udgitha and meditates on it—his life  shall be the most excellent in this world and likewise in the  other world, yea, the other world.   


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