The Chandogya Upanishad : 7. Swami Krishnananda


Chapter -1 : Vaishvanara-Vidya -7..
7. Space as the Body of the Universal Self

Jana Sarkarakshya, the other great man was questioned: "What is the Atman you are meditating upon?"

"I meditate on the all-pervading Space, Your Highness."

This is also a symbol for meditation. Space is all-pervading.

When one cannot think of anything that is all-pervading, what else can one think except Space?

Space is a good symbol for meditation, indeed. The king said: "Space is extensive in every respect. You meditate upon it as the ultimate Reality, and so you have extensiveness of everything as a consequence of this meditation. You have plenty of everything in your house—wealth and dear ones. You are glory-incarnate at home and in your community.

Everything blessed is with you due to this meditation on extensiveness. So is the glory of anyone who thus meditates. But, this is not the correct meditation; there is an error in this meditation also, because the Space that you are thinking of as the Cosmic Reality, is really the body, as it were, and not the whole, of Vaishvanara.

If you had not come to me, what would have happened to you?

Some catastrophe, like paralysis of the trunk, or something of that kind, would have befallen you. Your meditation would have failed you completely." All these meditations are wonderful things, but they are also dangerous things.

This follows from what the king is telling to these great men.

NEXT - 8. Water as the Lower Belly of the Universal Self.

To be continued ....



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