The Chandogya Upanishad : CH-2, SEC-4. THE PRIMACY OF BEING-4.5., POST-5. Swami Krishnananda.



Tuesday, December 15, 2020. 10:20.AM.

Chapter Two : Uddalaka's Teaching Concerning the Oneness of the Self -4.4

Section-4. Threefold Development - 5.




Yad u rohitam ivabhud iti tejasas tad rupam iti tad vidam cakruh, yad u suklam ivabhud ity apam rupam iti taa vidam cakruh yad u krsnam ivabhud ity annasya rupam iti tad vidam cakruh.

So, they concluded that whenever there is a perception of anything that is red, we should not think that we are seeing any red object, but that we are seeing only the fire principle there; whenever we see anything white, we should not think that we are seeing any independent object, but that we are seeing the water element there; and whenever we see anything dark we should know that we see the earth element predominant in that. So there are no things in this world. There are only these three elements.


Yad avijnatam ivabhud ity etasam eva devatanam samasah, iti tad vidamcakruh, yatha nu khalu, saumya, imas tisro devatah purusam prapya trivrt trivrd ekaika bhavati, tan me vijanihiti.

Whatever was apparently unknown to us was due to our inability to recognise the presence of these elements in the apparently distinguished objects. The unknownness of an object is due to the incapacity of the mind to probe into the structure of that object. The moment we understand what it is made of, we know the object at once. So, the ultimate analysis is that we must know the basic substance of everything and not be carried away by the formation of that substance into variety. Everything is a complex of this threefold manifestation-fire, water and earth.


"Well, listen now, my dear boy," says the father to the son, "I have explained to you how everything in the world outside is made of these three elements. The whole world of objects outside is constituted of these three elements—fire, water and earth. Now I am going to tell you something very startling. I am going to show you that your personality itself is also of that nature. You yourself do not exist apart from these elements. Whatever is in you is the mixture in some form or the other of these three elements."


To be Continued .....



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