The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3-2. Swami Krishnananda.


Monday, September 06, 2021. 9:56. PM.

Adhihi, bhagavah, iti, hopasasada sanatkumararam naradah, tam hovaca: yad-vettha tena mopasida, tatas-ta urdhvam vaksyamiti, sa hovaca.

Rgvedam, bhagavah, adhyemi, yajurvedam, samavedam, atharvedam caturtham, itihasa-puranam pancamam, vedanam vedam, pitryam, rasim, daivam, nidhim, vakovakyam, ekayanam, devavidyam, brahma-vidyam, bhuta-vidyam, ksatra-vidyam, naksatra-vidyam, sarpadevajana-vidyam, etat, bhagavah adhyemi.

Narada approaches Sanatkumara and says: "Great Sir, master, divine sage, here I am at your feet. Teach me." It was a very simple request. "Teach me." "What should I teach you? What is your difficulty? You are yourself a very learned person. Let me know what you already know. And if there is anything left, I shall tell you that. What is the education that you have already acquired? Tell me that. Then I will speak to you-Yad-vetta tena mopasida, tatasta urdhvam vaksyamiti." This is the reply of Sanatkumara to Narada.

Narada says: "Great master, I have studied the Rigveda. I am proficient in it. I have studied the Yajurveda. I am a master of it. I am an expert in the Samaveda. I know the Atharvaveda. I am a master of the epics and the Puranas and I know everything about grammar. Nothing is unknown to me. I know mathematics, I know augury, I know the science of treasures and I am an expert in logic. I know ethics and politics, I know astrology and astronomy, I know the six auxiliary limbs of the Vedas, I know physical science, and I know music, art and dancing. There is nothing practically through the course of which I have not passed. This is what I have learnt, my dear master. So, I have answered your question of what I have already studied." He has a degree in every science and every art. So here is the list of all the certificates that Narada has. This is what he has studied. "All this is only name," says Sanatkumara. "All this knowledge is nothing. That is why you have no peace." He puts dust over everything.

So'ham, bhagavah, mantra-vid-evasmi na'tma-vit; srutum hyeva me bhagavad-drsebhyah, tarati sokam, atmavid-iti; so'ham bhagavah, socami, tam ma, bhagavan, sokasya param tarayatviti; tam hovaca yad-vai kincaitad adhyagisthah, namaivaitat.

Narada says: "Yes, these are only words, really speaking. These are only nomenclatures. This is only a catalogue or list of the branches of learning that I have studied. I have heard from other people that a person who knows the Self crosses over sorrow. What is this Self? I am in sorrow. I am in a state of grief in spite of all this learning that I have. I have come to you, great master, with a request to take me beyond the ocean of sorrow. I am in internal suffering which has not been relieved by my learning and knowledge. So'ham, bhagavah, mantra-vid-evasmi na'tma-vit-I have a lot of information about every art and every science. I do not know the real substance of these arts and sciences. The name is known, but the content is not known to me."

To be continued ...



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