The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, SECTION 2 : Speech.. Swami Krishnananda.


Deepavali at Chinmaya Mission


Sunday, Novamber 7, 2021. 9:00. PM.


SECTION 2 : Speech



2." Sa yo vacam brahmeti upaste, yavad-vaco gatam 

tatrasya yatha kamacaro bhavati, yo vacam 

brahmety-upaste; asti, bhagavah, vaco bhuya iti, 

vaco vava bhuyo’stiti, tan-me, bhagavan, bravitviti." 


One is free to the extent of one’s knowledge. So, knowledge is power. This is a great conclusion that we can draw from these descriptions of the nature of knowledge. Wherever there is real knowledge, there is also power to the extent of the operation of that knowledge. And knowledge becomes power only to the extent of the applicability of that knowledge in respect of the object to which it pertains. If a particular knowledge is not applicable, it is not power. It will be only theoretical learning. So Narada is told, “To the extent of the operation of the principle of speech, you are free; meditate upon speech as the Absolute, because beyond that your mind cannot go.”


“But is there anything beyond speech?” asks Narada. 

“Yes, there is something beyond that,” replies Sanatkumara. 

“If it is so, please instruct me on it,” is the next prayer of  Narada.


The principle of speech, or whatever blessed thing there can be as the precedent of the expression of language—all that is controlled by the mind. Without the functioning of  the mind, there would neither be expression of speech, nor any language, nor definition, nor learning. So naturally, mind is superior to speech, and speech is superior to name. The mind is the cause of all these expressions


To be continued...



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