The Chandogya Upanishad - 3- 9-2.Swami Krishnananda.



Wednesday, February 15,  2022. 21:00.

Chapter-3 : Sanat Kumara's Instructions Bhuma-Vidya : 9.2

Section- 9 : Food : Mantram-2.



2. Sa yo’nnam brahmety-upaste, annavato vai sa lokan

panavato’bhisidhyati. Yavad-annasya gatam,

tatrasya yatha kamacaro bhavati yo’nnam

brahmety-upaste, asti, bhagavah, annad-bhuya iti,

annad vava bhuyo’stiti, tanme, bhagavan, bravitviti.

So, the point that is driven into the mind of Narada by the teacher is that to become strong and powerful is to have this aspect of strength as the object of his meditation because, to the extent of the application of this kind of power, one will be successful and one will be free in that particular realm of one’s contemplation. “Still,” says Sanatkumara, “there is something more than that.” And that is water which is superior to food, as mentioned here. The intention of the teacher here is to show to us that food is not merely the food that we eat, but it is the entire material content of the universe. The whole of the earth element is represented by the word ‘food’. That is why he ays that water principle is superior to the food principle.

Everything that is solid has ultimately come out of liquid.  The whole earth in its solid form has come out of a liquid condition. Not only this particular earth, but also everything that is material in content, everything that is solid in nature, anywhere in the whole astronomical universe, was originally in a liquid condition. The liquid was, once upon a time, in a hot gaseous condition, and so on and so forth. There are subtler and subtler causes and precedents behind the grosser expressions thereof.

“O, Narada, this thing called food, which I say is superior to everything that I have mentioned up to this time, is the element of matter, the entire objective universe in its solid form, and superior to it is the water principle,” says Sanatkumara. The identification of the water principle with the ultimate reality of things is a common way of explaining the nature of the origin of things in the sacred scriptures. Sanatkumara says that originally it was all water,  though it need not necessarily mean that the original waters were the liquid that we see in this world. And perhaps there was some sort of undifferentiated state of things and it is towards that concept that the mind of Narada is being taken now, by being told that superior to solid is liquid, superior to the earth is water.

NEXT : SECTION 10 : Water.

To be continued ....



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