The Chandogya Upanishad - 3-12. .Swami Krishnananda.



Sunday, April 17,  2022. 18:00.

Chapter - 3 : Sanatkumara's Instructions on Bhuma-Vidya : 12.



#Ether :



" Akaso vava tejaso bhuyan akase vai surya -

candrama-sav-ubhau vidyun-naksatrany-agnih,

akasenahvayati, akasena srnoti, akasena pratisrnoti,

akase ramate, akase na ramate, akase jayate,

akasam abhijayate, akasam upassveti."


Commentary :

The importance of space cannot be appreciated unless space exists. It is the primary element that is necessary for the existence of anyone. Everything comes from space as an effect. Sun and moon, stars and lightning and whatnot, everything is in the atmosphere on account of the presence of space. 

We hear things on account of space. Echoes are produced on account of space. Our pleasures and pains also are due to the presence of space. There would be no objects at all, if there were no space. And if there are no objects, there would be no reaction from our side in respect of the objects. Then, there would be no experience at all, either of pleasure or of pain. 

So, enjoyment of every kind, and pleasure and satisfaction of every kind, are due to the spatial distinction among things. When there is sorrow, or even if there is absence of pleasure, it is due to the presence of space only. The peculiar location of the objects of sense in respect of the experiencing subject is the cause of the pleasure or the pain of the subject which is due to the intervening element, namely space. 

From space it is that everything comes. Things are born on account of the existence of space. There would be no production of any kind without space being present. An effect cannot be produced from a cause unless there is spatial distinction between the two. 

Even the trees and plants rise up from the earth and grow on account of the presence of space—akase jayate, akasam abhijayate. So we know what akasa or space is. 

The more we speak about it, the less should it be a type of definition of it. It is so important. It is perhaps the last conceivable object available to us in this world. Beyond that nothing is possible for the mind to think. 

That is the highest physical object available.

“So, O Narada, now you take this akasa as the object of meditation, which is to be meditated upon as the Absolute, beyond which nothing is. The unbounded space, the unlimited expanse of sky, the akasa is now the object of your meditation,” says Sanatkumara.



"Sa ya akasam brahmety-upaste, akasavato vai sa

lokan prakasavato’sambadhan

urugayavato’bhisidhyati, yavad akasasya gatam

tatrasya yatha kamacaro bhavati, ya akasam

brahmety-upaste, asti, bhagavah, akasad-bhuya iti,

akasad-vava bhuyo’stiti, tanme, bhagavan bravitviti."


Commentary :

If we can expand our mind to the extent of space in meditation, to that extent will be our freedom, success and power in this world. Glorious would be the capacity of that person who can meditate in this manner. 

Luminosity would be the object of his meditation, as space is luminous due to the presence of the sun. This person who meditates on space will be illumined by the consciousness present therein. Unlimited would be the possession of this person, as space itself is unlimited, which is the object of his meditation. 

And unlimited would be his achievement who so meditates. As long as there is space, so long is his success. To the extent of the presence of space, to that extent is his freedom. As far is space, so far is his freedom also. So, he will have unlimited freedom on account of this meditation on the unlimited space.

Narada says: 

“Well, this is a grand thing, of course. I cannot think anything more than space. I wish to know whether space is the ultimate reality. Or, is there anything beyond space and greater than space?” 

“There is something beyond space. There is something without which even space cannot be conceived. Why, for that matter, it cannot even exist without that. Space would be meaningless if that something which is superior to it does not exist,” replies Sanatkumara. “So there is something higher than space!

What is that? Please instruct me, O great master,” says Narada.





To be continued ....



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