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The Chandogya Upanishad - Chapter-3, Section - 6 : Contemplation - Swami Krishnananda.

 ================================================================= ================================================================ Tuesday, December 28, 2021. 18:25. The Chandogya Upanishad - Chapter-3., Section-6. Chapter-3.: Sanatkumara's Instructions Bhuma-Vidya : 6. SECTION 6 - Contemplation ================================================================= Section- 6 : Contemplation Mantram-1. 1. Dhyanam vava cittad-bhuyah, dhyayativa prthivi, dhya- yativan-tariksam, dhyayativa dyauh, dhyayantivapah, dhyayantiva parvatah, dhyayantiva deva-manusyah, tasmad-ya iha manusyanam mahattvam prapnuvanti dhyanapadamsa ivaiva te bhvanti, atha ye’lpah kalahinah pisuna upavadinas-te atha ye prabhavah dhyanapadamsa ivaiva te bhavanti, dhyanam upassveti. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dhyanam, concentration, is beyond even ordinary memory.  It is a superior faculty.  The more you are able to concentrate your

The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, SECTION 5 : MEMORY - Swami Krishnananda.

 ================================================================== ====================================================================== Saturday, December 18, 2021. 9:30. PM. The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, SECTION 5. CHAPTER III: SANATKUMARA'S INSTRUCTIONS ON BHUMA-VIDYA : 5. SECTION 5: MEMORY. ================================================================================== SECTION 5- Memory Mantram-1. Cittam vava samkalpad-bhuyah, yada vai cetayate’tha samkalpayate, atha manasyati, atha vacam irayati, tam u namnirayati, namni mantra ekam bhavanti, mantresu karmani. The will, no doubt, is a determining psychological function. But the will cannot operate unless there is a cohesive force behind the functions of thought. Will is nothing but a collected focusing of the content of the mind. When the mind is directed and focused in a particular manner, in a specified way, in a particular direction, we call it will. But this function of the mind which we call will would not be possi

The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, SECTION 4: WILL - Swami Krishnananda.

 ================================================================================= =============================================================================== Wednesday, December 08, 2021. 5:30. PM. The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, SECTION 4. CHAPTER III: SANATKUMARA'S INSTRUCTIONS ON BHUMA-VIDYA : 4. SECTION 4: WILL. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== In the gradation of meditation, we have seen that the mind is superior to the function of speech, of which all the names are manifestations, because from the mind proceed all psychological activities and everything that is expressed through speech. But, behind the mind also, there are forces which are more concentrated in their nature, and by an analysis of the activities of the mind, we will realise that this is the activity of specified thought. There is a creative will operating as the directive intelligenc

The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, SECTION 3-2. : Mind. Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================= ====================================================================== Sunday,  Novamber 28, 2021. 8:00. PM. The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, SECTION 3-2. CHAPTER III: SANATKUMARA'S INSTRUCTIONS ON BHUMA-VIDYA : 3-2. SECTION 3 - Mind-2 ====================================================================== Whatever the mind can think, that should be brought within the purview of the object of meditation. This is perhaps the last stage which ordinary people can reach in meditation. What can they do beyond the level of the thoughts of their mind? So, we should try to find out what are the possibilities of the mind, and bring all of them together into a stage of harmony, in an artistic manner. The pattern of thought should be beautiful. It should be complete.  This is the meaning of the term 'absolute' here. We have to remember this again. The absolute is the completeness of any particular concept, whatever

The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, SECTION 3-1. : Mind. Swami Krishnananda.

 ====================================================================== ======================================================================= Monday,  Novamber 22, 2021. 8:00. PM. CHAPTER III: SANATKUMARA'S INSTRUCTIONS ON BHUMA-VIDYA : 3-1. SECTION 3 -Mind-1 ======================================================================= Mantram:  1. Mono vava vaco bhuyah, yatha vai dve vamalake  dve va kole dvau vaksau mistir-anubhavati, evam  vacam ca nama ca mano’nu-bhavati, sa yada  manasa manasyati, mantran-adhiyiyeti, athadhite,  karmani kurviyeti, atha kurute, putrams-ca  pasumsceccheyeti, athecchate, imam ca lokam amum  ceccheyeti, athecchate, mano-hy-atma, mano-hi loko mano hi brahma, mano upassveti. 2. Sa yo mano brahmetyupste yavan-manaso gatam tatrasya yatha kamacaro bhavati yo mano  brahmetyupaste ‘sti bhagavo manaso bhuya iti manaso vava bhuyo’stiti tanme bhagavan bravatviti. ====================================================================== Beyond speech, and superior

The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, SECTION 2 : Speech.. Swami Krishnananda.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deepavali at Chinmaya Mission ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sunday, Novamber 7, 2021. 9:00. PM. CHAPTER III: SANATKUMARA'S INSTRUCTIONS ON BHUMA-VIDYA : 2. SECTION 2 : Speech ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam 2." Sa yo vacam brahmeti upaste, yavad-vaco gatam  tatrasya yatha kamacaro bhavati, yo vacam  brahmety-upaste; asti, bhagavah, vaco bhuya iti,  vaco vava bhuyo’stiti, tan-me, bhagavan, bravitviti."  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One is free to the extent of one’s knowledge. So, knowledge is power. This is a great conclusion that we can draw from these descriptions of the nature of kn

The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, SECTION 2 : Speech.. Swami Krishnananda.

 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, SECTION 2 : Speech.. Swami Krishnananda. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wednesday, September 22, 2021. 8:15. AM. CHAPTER III: SANATKUMARA'S INSTRUCTIONS ON BHUMA-VIDYA : 2. SECTION 2 : Speech --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam : 1. Vag-vava namno bhuyasi, vag-va rg-vedam  vijnapayati, yajurvedam, sama-vedam, atharvanam  caturtham, itihasa-puranam pancamam, vedanam  vedam, pitryam, rasim, daivam nidhim,  vakovakyam, ekayanam, deva-vidyam, brahma vidyam, bhuta-vidyam, ksatra-vidyam, naksatra vidyam, sarpa-devajana-vidyam, div

The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, Sec-1, Name-6.. Swami Krishnananda.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BID FAREWELL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, September 22, 2021. 8:15. AM. CHAPTER III: SANATKUMARA'S INSTRUCTIONS ON BHUMA-VIDYA : 2. SECTION 1: NAME. 6. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sa yo nama brahmeti upaste yavan-namno gatam, tatrasya yatha kamacaro bhavati yo nama brahmetyupaste'sti, bhagavah, namno bhuya iti; namno vava bhuyo'stiti, tan-me bhagavan bravitviti. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whoever contemplates 'name' as Brahman, which means to say, whoever regards the object of meditation as absolute, gains whatever that object includes within its gamut. The principle of meditation is this: whatever the object of your meditation be, that has to be taken as absolute. There should

The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, Sec-1, Name-5.. Swami Krishnananda.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, September 20, 2021. 8:15. AM. HAPTER III: SANATKUMARA'S INSTRUCTIONS ON BHUMA-VIDYA : 2. SECTION 1: NAME. 5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the mistake that many people make even in the practice of spiritual life. They suddenly think that they are God-men or that they are about to jump into the ocean of God-consciousness and drink the nectar of ambrosia. They are caught hold of by their very legs through the laws that operate in the physical world. Knowledge does not mean ignorance of any particular aspect of experience. It is a total comprehension of fact as such. Even bondage has to be known in its true structure. When we are bound, we must know why we are bound. That is real knowledge. You cannot say, "Well, I am not concerned with the stages of b

The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, Sec-1, Name-4.. Swami Krishnananda.

 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday, September 17, 2021. 8:15. AM. HAPTER III: SANATKUMARA'S INSTRUCTIONS ON BHUMA-VIDYA : 2. SECTION 1: NAME. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nama va rg-vedo yajur-vedah pitryo-rasir-daivo, nidhir vakovakyam, ekayanam, deva-vidya, brahma-vidya, bhuta-vidya, ksatra-vidya, naksatra-vidya, sarpa-deva-jana-vidya, namaivaitat, namopassveti. Sanatkumara continues: "Now, well, I will tell you once again that this is only theory, and therefore, it is not of much consequence in your life, but it has an importance in that it is the beginning of knowledge. Therefore, meditate on 'name'." Though mere information is not of any ultimate utility in one's practical life, it is not without some utility, because learning begins with gathering of information. The ide

The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, Sec-1, Name-3.. Swami Krishnananda.

 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, September 12, 2021. 7:15. PM. HAPTER III: SANATKUMARA'S INSTRUCTIONS ON BHUMA-VIDYA : 2. SECTION 1: NAME. 3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything that is an indicator has an indicated. Every name has a form corresponding to it. If we utter a particular name corresponding to an object, we immediately have an idea of that object. But we do not possess that object merely because we have an idea of that object. So is the case with all this learning. It is only an idea about certain things, but the things themselves are beyond one’s control. We can have an idea of the inner structure of the sun, the solar system, but we cannot have any sway over the sun or any control over the sun because of that knowledge alone. We may have information about every blessed thi

The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3, Sec-1, Name-2.. Swami Krishnananda.

 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, September 09, 2021. 9:56. PM. HAPTER III: SANATKUMARA'S INSTRUCTIONS ON BHUMA-VIDYA : 2. SECTION 1: NAME. -2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Adhihi, bhagavah, iti, hopasasada sanatkumararam naradah, tam hovaca: yad-vettha tena mopasida, tatas-ta urdhvam vaksyamiti, sa hovaca." Rgvedam, bhagavah, adhyemi, yajurvedam, samavedam, atharvedam caturtham, itihasa-puranam pancamam, vedanam vedam, pitryam, rasim, daivam, nidhim, vakovakyam, ekayanam, devavidyam, brahma-vidyam, bhuta-vidyam, ksatra-vidyam, naksatra-vidyam, sarpadevajana-vidyam, etat, bhagavah adhyemi. Narada approaches Sanatkumara and says: "Great Sir, master, divine sage, here I am at your feet. Teach me." It was a very simple request. "Teach me." "What should I teach

The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3-2. Swami Krishnananda.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, September 06, 2021. 9:56. PM. HAPTER III: SANATKUMARA'S INSTRUCTIONS ON BHUMA-VIDYA : 2. SECTION 1: NAME.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adhihi, bhagavah, iti, hopasasada sanatkumararam naradah, tam hovaca: yad-vettha tena mopasida, tatas-ta urdhvam vaksyamiti, sa hovaca. Rgvedam, bhagavah, adhyemi, yajurvedam, samavedam, atharvedam caturtham, itihasa-puranam pancamam, vedanam vedam, pitryam, rasim, daivam, nidhim, vakovakyam, ekayanam, devavidyam, brahma-vidyam, bhuta-vidyam, ksatra-vidyam, naksatra-vidyam, sarpadevajana-vidyam, etat, bhagavah adhyemi. Narada approaches Sanatkumara and says: "Great Sir, master, divine sage, here I am at your feet. Teach me." It was a very simple request. "Teach me." "What should I teach you? What is you

The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-3-1. Swami Krishnananda.

 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, September 02, 2021. 10:16. PM. HAPTER III: SANATKUMARA'S INSTRUCTIONS ON BHUMA-VIDYA : 1. 1. INTRODUCTION.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the course of the study of the Panchagni-Vidya in the first chapter, we have discovered that life is ultimately all sorrow on account of one being subjected to the process of transmigration. It is a fact that there are higher pressures exerted upon the individual and that these pressures compel one to be driven along the course of creativity. As long as the cause of this pressure is not realised as identical with one's own Self, one is not going to attain ultimate freedom from samsara, the cycle of metempsychosis. This cause for ultimate freedom is the Self of all, the realisation of which bestows true freedom. And that Se