The Chandogya Upanishad - CH-2, SEC: 11. Swami Krishnananda.


Sunday, May 23, 2021. 6:28. PM.
Chapter Two: Uddalaka's Teaching Concerning the Oneness of the Self

Asya, saumya mahato vrkshasya yo mule'bhyahanyat, jivan sravet; yo madhye'bhyahanyat, jivan sravet yo'gre 'bhyahanyat, jivan sravet, sa esha jivenatmana'nuprabhutah pepiyamano modamana-stishthati.

There must have been a huge tree in front of the kutir of Uddalaka. So he says, "Look at this big tree in front of our kutir." Suppose some one lays an axe on one of its branches, it will immediately demonstrate that it has got life. Juice will flow from that cut part-jivan sravet. Because there is life, it will exude the essence from its body. This will happen if it is cut in any other part of its body also. Madhye'bhyahanyat jivan sravet-suppose one cuts the trunk, then also we will see the juice coming out. Agre abhyahanyat jivan sravet-you may cut a little branch on the top. 

Then also you will see that there is life in it, as juice will exude from that particular part. Sa esha jivenatmana'nuprabhutah pepiyamano modamanaas-tishthati. The exuberant growth of the tree is due to the life that is in the tree. You will find much foliage of trees in certain seasons of the year when the whole vegetable kingdom is highly delighted. What is this delight? What is this happiness that we experience in the blooming of a beautiful tree. It is the manifestation of the life principle in it. It is the working of jiva, that essence which you call life. It cannot be explained in any other way. 

No one can say what this life is. You can simply say there is life, that is all. But what do you mean by life? Life is life. It cannot be explained by any other word. It has no definition, it has no comparison. Life cannot be compared to anything else, for there is nothing like it. It is unique in its nature. It stands by itself absolutely. We simply say life, as if everything is clear. There is life and we lead a life. 

But what is life? 

Nobody knows. Nobody cares to do anything about it, because it is the ultimate Being. It cannot be explained by any other higher reference. So, the existence of the tree, the working of the tree, the living of the tree is due to this vitality which is referable back to pure Being, the Sat. This is present not only in the tree but in everything else. If life departs from the tree, the tree dries up. When you say a particular branch of the tree is dry, what you mean is, that life has departed from that particular part.

To be continued...



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