The Chhandogya Upanishad - CH-2, SEC-9, POST-2. Swami Krishnananda.


Thursday, May 06, 2021. 08:55. PM.
Chapter Two: Uddalaka's Teaching Concerning the Oneness of the Self

In the case of the entry of the individual into the state of pure Being, there is an important point to note. There can be two types of entries, an unconscious entry and a conscious entry. In deep sleep one does contact the nature of this pure Being. One just stumbles upon it, as it were. One is unconscious of it and does not really get absorbed into it. But one does contact it in some mysterious manner. One's individuality-consciousness is abolished no doubt, but it does not become veritable universal consciousness. It becomes as though unconsciousness. 

There is something that is common between unconsciousness and absolute Consciousness. The common principle is that in both of these states there is no particularised consciousness. But there is a tremendous difference. A philosopher once humorously remarked that the difference between universal consciousness and deep sleep and similarity between them are like those that exist between God and dog. There is similarity no doubt, and yet all know the difference. Because of the inability to absorb oneself into that Being, one comes back from that state. 

Even at death one does not get conscious entry into the Being. One is not able to continue in either condition of deep sleep or death for long, on account of the existence of the potentiality in the form of subtle impressions of unfulfilled desires to rise up into waking consciousness, in this body when one wakes up, or into another body when one is reborn. When one gets up from sleep one is the same person that went into sleep. A wakes up as A, B as B, C as C when they return from deep sleep. A does not become B or C.

Ta iha vyaghro va simho ra vrko va varaho va kito va patango va damso va masako va yad-yad-bhavanti, tadabhavanti.

If a tiger sleeps, when it gets up it is the same tiger only, not even another tiger in the same species. If a mosquito sleeps, when it gets up it is the same mosquito only. They do not become something else even though in sleep they have no particular consciousness, having merged in the pure Being. Whatever one's nature is, one reverts to that particular form of individuality in spite of the fact that there has been a tentative contact in an unconscious manner with the undistinguished Reality which is pure Being.

This pure Being is the Self of all. One may be conscious or not. That is a different matter. But that is the Being behind all your activities, behind your sleep, behind your birth and death, behind the whole process of universal evolution. It is the Self that is caught into this activity in the form of birth, death, incarnations, etc. This will not cease until everything is ultimately resolved through enquiry and meditation into that Supreme Being, which is called salvation. This is conscious entry into the Being, as against the unconscious entry in deep sleep and death.

To be continued ....



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