"Concerning Sleep, Hunger, Thirst and Death"




Chapter VIII — Concerning Sleep, Hunger, Thirst and  Death 

Slokam : 1 to 7.



1.   Uddalaka the son of Aruna said to his son Svetaketu: "Learn  from me, my dear, the true nature of sleep. When a person has  entered into deep sleep, as it is called, then, my dear, he  becomes united with Pure Being (Sat), he has gone to his own  Self. That is why they say he is in deep sleep (svapiti); it is  because he has gone (apita) to his own (svam). 




2.   "Just as a bird tied by a string to the hand of the bird—catcher  first flies in every direction and then finding no rest anywhere,  settles down at the place where it is bound, so also the mind  (i.e. the individual soul reflected in the mind), my dear, after  flying in every direction and finding no rest anywhere, settles  down in the Prana (i.e. Pure Being); for the mind (the  individual soul) is fastened to the Prana (Pure Being). 




3.   "Learn from me, my dear, what hunger and thirst are. When a  man is hungry, as they say, it is water that has led (i.e. carried  away) what was eaten. Therefore, just as they speak of a leader  of cows, a leader of horses, a leader of men, so do they speak of  water as the leader of food. So, my dear, know this offshoot  (i.e. the body) to have sprung forth from a cause, for it cannot  be without a root. 




4.   "And where could its root be except in food (earth)? And in the  same way, my dear, as food too is an offshoot, seek for water as  its root. And as water too, my dear, is an offshoot, seek for fire  as its root. And as fire too, my dear, is an offshoot, seek for  Being (Sat) as its root. Yes, all these creatures, my dear, have  their root in Being, they dwell in Being, they finally rest in  Being. 




5.   "When a man is said to be thirsty, it is fire that has led (i.e.  carried away) what was drunk by him. Therefore as they speak  of a leader of cows, a leader of horses, a leader of men, so do  they speak of fire as the leader of water. So, my dear, know this  offshoot (the body) to have sprung forth from a cause, for it  cannot be without a root. 




6.   "And where could its root be except in water? And in the same  way, my dear, as water is an offshoot, seek for fire as its root.  And as fire too, my dear, is an offshoot, seek for Being as its  root. Yes, my dear, all these creatures have their root in Being,  they dwell in Being, they finally rest in Being.  "And how these three deities (fire, water and earth), on  reaching a human being, become each of them tripartite has  already been said. When a person departs hence, his speech  merges in his mind, his mind in his prana, his prana in heat  (fire) and the heat in the Highest Being. 




7.   "Now, that which is the subtle essence—in it all that exists has  its self. That is the True. That is the Self. That thou art,  Svetaketu."  "Please, venerable Sir, give me further instruction," said the  son.  "So be it, my dear," the father replied.  


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