"Part-1. CH-11.: The Story of Ushasti-(2)"



Chapter XI — The Story of Ushasti (II) 


Mantram-1 to 9.

1.   The sacrificer said to him (Ushasti): "I should like to know who  you are, revered Sir."  "I am Ushasti the son of Chakra," he replied. 

2.   He (the sacrificer) said: "Revered Sir, I looked for you to  perform all these priestly offices, but not finding you, Sir, I  have chosen others." 

3.   "But now, Sir, please take up all the priestly offices."  "So be it," said Ushasti, "but let these priests, with my  permission, sing the hymns of praise. You will, however, give  me as much wealth as you give them."  "So be it," said the sacrificer. 

4.   Thereupon the prastotri priest approached him and said: "Sir,  you said to me: ‘O prastotri priest, if without knowing the deity  that belongs to the Prastava, you sing the Prastava, your head  will fall off.’ Which is that deity?" 

5.   Ushasti said: "The prana is that deity. For all these beings  merge in the prana alone and from the prana alone do they rise.  This is deity which belongs to the Prastava. If without knowing  him you chanted the Prastava after having been cursed by me,  your head would have fallen off." 

6.   Then the udgatri priest approached him and said: "Sir, you said  to me: ‘O udgatri priest, if without knowing the deity that  belongs to the Udgitha, you sing the Udgitha, your head will  fall off.’ Which is that deity?" 

7.   Ushasti said: "The sun is that deity. For all these beings praise  the sun which is high up. This is the deity which belongs to the  Udgitha. If without knowing him you had chanted the Udgitha  after having been cursed by me, your head would have fallen  off." 

8.   Then the pratihartri priest approached him and said: "Sir, you  said to me: ‘O pratihartri priest, if without knowing the deity  that belongs to the Pratihara, you sing the Pratihara, your head  will fall off.’ Which is that deity?" 

9.   Ushasti said: "Food is that deity. For all these beings take food  and live. This is the deity that belongs to the Pratihara. If  without knowing him you had chanted the Pratihara after  having been cursed by me, your head would have fallen off."  


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