"Part-1, Chapter-10: The Story of Ushasti, Mantrams: 11."

Chapter X — The Story of Ushasti (I)  

Mantram-1 to 11. 

1.   When the crops of the Kurus were destroyed by thunderstorms,  Ushasti the son of Chakra, with his child—wife, lived in a  deplorable condition in the village of a man who owned an  elephant.  

2.   He (Ushasti) begged food from the owner of the elephant, who  was eating some wretched beans. He (the owner of the  elephant) said: "I have nothing but what is set before me."  

3.   Ushasti said: "Give me these."  He gave the beans and said: "Here is some water left over from  my drinking."  Ushasti said: "If I drink this, I will then be drinking what has  been left by another."  

4.   The owner of the elephant said: "Were not those beans also left  over and therefore unclean?"  Ushasti replied: "I should not have lived if I had not eaten  them; but I can get water wherever I like."  

5.   Having himself eaten, Ushasti gave his wife what was left. But  she, having eaten before, took them (i.e. the beans) and put  them away.  

6.   Next morning, on awaking, he said: "Alas, if I could get even  little a to eat, I might earn some money. The king over here is  going to perform a sacrifice; he would choose me for all the  priestly offices."  

7.   His wife said to him: "Here, my husband, are the beans." After  eating them, he went to the sacrifice that was about to be  performed.  

8.   He saw there the assembled udgatri priests and sat near them in  place where they would sing the hymns. He said to the prastotri  priest:  

9.   "O prastotri priest, if without knowing the deity that belongs to  Prastiva, you sing the Prastiva, your head will fall off"   

 10—11.   In the same manner he addressed the udgatri priest: "O udgatri  priest, if without knowing the deity that belongs to the Udgitha,  you sing the Udgitha, your head will fall off."  In the same manner he addressed the pratihartri priest: "O  pratihartri priest, if without knowing the deity that belongs to  the Pratihara, you sing the Pratihara, your head will fall off."  They all stopped performing their duties and sat in silence.   


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