"The Absence of Individuality in Deep Sleep"





Chapter IX — The Absence of Individuality in Deep Sleep 


Slokam- 1 to 4. 



 1—2.   "As bees, my dear, make honey by collecting the juices of trees  located at different places and reduce them to one form,  "And as these juices have no discrimination so as to be able to  say: ‘I am the juice of this tree,’ or ‘I am the juice of that  tree’—even so, indeed, my dear, all these creatures, though  they reach Pure Being, do not know that they have reached  Pure Being. 



3.   "Whatever these creatures are, here in this world—a tiger, a  lion, a wolf, a boar, a worm, a fly, a gnat, or a mosquito—that  they become again. 



4.   "Now, that which is the subtle essence—in it all that exists has  its self. That is the True. That is the Self. That thou art,  Svetaketu."  "Please, venerable Sir, give me further instruction," said the  son.  "So be it, my dear," the father replied.  


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