"The Udgitha of the Dogs": ---



Chapter XII — The Udgitha of the Dogs 



1.   Now follows the Udgitha of the dogs:  One day, Vaka the son of Dalbhya, or as he was also called,  Glava son of Mitra, went forth to study the Vedas. 



2.   A white dog appeared before him. Other dogs, gathering  around, said to him (i.e. the white dog): "Revered Sir, please  sing for us, so we may obtain food; we are hungry." 



3.   He (the white dog) said to them: "Come to me here tomorrow  morning." Vaka the son of Dalbhya, or as he was also called,  Glava son of Mitra, kept watch. 



4.   Just as the priests move along, holding to one another, when  they are about to sing praises with the Vahishpavamana hymn,  so did the dogs move along. Then they sat down and uttered the  syllable Him. 



5.   Om. Let us eat! Om. Let us drink! Om. Let the sun, who is the  luminous deity (deva), the giver of rain (Varuna), the lord of  creatures (Prajapati), bring food here!  Now a prayer to the sun: O lord of food, bring food here, bring  it here. Om.  



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