"The cause of the Universe"



Chapter II — Brahman: the Cause of the Universe


Slokam-1 to 4. 




1.   "In the beginning, my dear, this universe was Being (Sat) alone,  one only without a second. Some say that in the beginning this  was non—being (asat) alone, one only without a second; and  from that non—being, being was born." 




2.   Aruni said: "But how, indeed, could it be thus, my dear? How  could Being be born from non—being? No, my dear, it was  Being alone that existed in the beginning, one only without a  second. 




3.   "It (Being, or Brahman) thought: ‘May I be many; may I grow  forth.’ It created fire. That fire thought: ‘May I be many; may I  grow forth.’ It created water. That is why, whenever a person is  hot and perspires, water is produced from fire (heat) alone. 




4.   "That water thought: ‘May I be many; may I grow forth.’ It  created food (i.e. earth). That is why, whenever it rains  anywhere, abundant food is produced. From water alone is  edible food produced.  


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