"Meditation on the fivefold Saman (2)"




Chapter II — Meditation on the Fivefold Saman (II) 


Slokam-1 to 3.  

1.   One should meditate on the fivefold Saman as the five worlds.  The syllable Him is the earth, the Prastava fire, the Udgitha the  sky, the Pratihara the sun, the Nidhana heaven. This is with  reference to the ascending order. 

2.   Now with reference to the descending order:  The syllable Him is heaven, the Prastava the sun, the Udgitha  the sky, the Pratihara fire, the Nidhana the earth. 

3.   The worlds in the ascending and descending orders belong to  him who, knowing this, meditates on the fivefold Saman as the  worlds.  


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