"Further Explanation"




Chapter IV - The Threefold Development further  explained .


Slokam-1 to 7.


1.   "The red colour of gross fire is the colour of the original fire;  the white colour of gross fire is the colour of the original water;  the black colour of gross fire is the colour of the original earth.  Thus vanishes from fire what is commonly called fire, the  modification being only a name, arising from speech, while the  three colours (forms) alone are true. 




2.   "The red colour of the sun is the colour of fire, the white the  colour of water, the black the colour of earth. Thus vanishes  from the sun what is commonly called the sun, the modification  being only a name, arising from speech, while the three colours  alone are true. 




3.   "The red colour of the moon is the colour of fire, the white the  colour of water, the black the colour of earth. Thus vanishes  from the moon what is commonly called the moon, the  modification being only a name, arising from speech, while the  three colours alone are true. 




4.   "The red colour of lightning is the colour of fire, the white the  colour of water, the black the colour of earth. Thus vanishes  from lightning what is commonly called lighting, the  modification being only a name, arising from speech, while the  three colours alone are true. 




5.   "It was just through this knowledge that the great householders  and great Vedic scholars of olden times declared: ‘No one can  now mention to us anything which we have not heard, thought  of, or known.’ They knew all from these three forms.  




 6—7.   "Whatever, appeared red they knew to be the colour of fire;  whatever appeared white they knew to be the colour of water;  whatever appeared black they knew to be the colour of earth.  "Whatever appeared to be unknown they knew to be the  combination of these three deities (i.e. colours). Now learn  from me, my dear, how these three deities, when they reach  man, become each of them tripartite.  


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