"The Indestructability of the Jiva"

Chapter XI — The Indestructibility of the Jiva  

1.   "If, my dear, someone were to strike at the root of this large  tree here, it would bleed but live. If he were to strike at the  middle, it would bleed but live. If he were to strike at the top, it  would bleed but live. Pervaded by the living self, that tree  stands firm, drinking in again and again its nourishment and  rejoicing.  

2.   "But if the life (i.e. living self) leaves one of its branches, that  branch withers; if it leaves a second, that branch withers; if it  leaves a third, that branch withers. If it leaves the whole tree,  the whole three withers.  

3.   "In exactly the same manner, my dear," said he, "know this:  This body dies, bereft of the living self; but the living self dies  not.  "Now, that which is the subtle essence—in it all that exists has  its self. That is the True. That is the Self. That thou art,  Svetaketu."  "Please, venerable Sir, give me further instruction," said the  son.  "So be it, my dear," the father replied.   


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