"The mystical meaning of stobha syllables"

Chapter XIII — The Mystical Meaning of the Stobha  Syllables 


1.   This Earth is verily the syllable hau; the air is the syllable hai;  the moon is the syllable atha; the self is the syllable iha; the fire  is the syllable i. 


2.   The sun is the syllable u; the invocation is the syllable e; the  Visve—devas are the syllable au—ho—i; Prajapati is the  syllable him; the prana the syllable svara; food is the syllable  ya; Virat is the syllable vak. 


3.   Indefinable is the thirteenth stobha, namely, the variable  syllable hum. 


4.   To him who knows this secret knowledge of the Samans,  speech yields milk and milk is speech. He becomes the  possessor of food and the eater of food—he who knows this,  yea, he who knows this.  


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